River Mitchelle aka. Kurly:
My childhood in a Skagit Valley antique store, lead to an adulthood appreciation for community, quality customer service and the unusual. A background in mechanics and my lust for resourcefulness sparked my interest in the ability to run a vehicle on veggie oil. Years of late night runs liberating waste veggie oil from the alleys behind restaurants ignited my interest in art of deep fry and the feasibility of producing my own fuel. Hundreds of gallons later I began researching the oil I was using. Contrary to popular belief there is deep fry oil available that is healthy, rice bran oil. Using this oil and my mechanical ingenuity I modified an apple core peeler into a curly fry maker…. And the rest they say is history, but I see it as the future!
In 2010 I began making fries for friends and family. Sketches of the future cart were outlined on napkins and filled notebooks. My mind was swarming with ideas and excitement about what the future held for Kurly’s. In 2012 I took my rough blue prints of the cart, a truck filled with wagon wheels, springs and rusted metal and years of pent-up creativity to an old friends blacksmith shop: Silas Madock of Forge and Nail. A few burnt fingers, busted knuckles and many hours later we had developed the rolling chasse that is now Kurly’s Kart.